Personal Finance

How I Teach Kids About Money By Getting Rid Of Their Stuff

How I Teach Kids About Money By Getting Rid Of Their Stuff

As parents, we’ve all encountered the seemingly inexhaustible supply of toys, gadgets, and general kid stuff that seems to multiply in our homes. If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably looked around your house and wondered how you ended up with so much…stuff. But here’s the thing: this clutter, while visually overwhelming, presents an unexpected…

Light Your FIRE: Financial Independence Retire Early Strategies Explained

Light Your FIRE: Financial Independence Retire Early Strategies Explained

At the ripe age of 42, I left my professional career and stepped into a life of Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE). Interestingly, when I started crafting my own financial independence plan as a teenager in the mid-1990s, the term “FIRE” wasn’t even on the radar. However, the dream of buying one’s way out of…

What Is A Mortgage Recast, And When Is Better Than A Refinance?

What Is A Mortgage Recast, And When Is Better Than A Refinance?

Imagine a financial strategy that can lower your monthly mortgage payments, save you thousands in interest, and bring you closer to the dream of early retirement. Mortgage recasting is a powerful tool that can help you achieve financial independence faster. In this article, I’ll explain mortgage recasting, explaining what it is, when and why you…

Finance Expert (With 820+ Credit Score) Debunks Credit Card Myths

Finance Expert (With 820+ Credit Score) Debunks Credit Card Myths

In today’s fast-paced world, understanding credit cards is crucial. Credit cards often come with misconceptions. For budget-conscious families, debunking these myths is essential. I’m going to debunk credit card myths in this article. But why listen to me? I am a Chartered Financial Analyst with more than 20 years of experience in Financial Services. I…

Price per use

I am a firm believer in spending the right amount of money. I focus on price per use to determine the right amount of money to spend on something. My style on the journey to Financial Independence Retire Early is not to be frugal or minimalist. Instead my style is to identify what something is…