Personal Finance

Finance Expert (With 820+ Credit Score) Debunks Credit Card Myths

Finance Expert (With 820+ Credit Score) Debunks Credit Card Myths

In today’s fast-paced world, understanding credit cards is crucial. Credit cards often come with misconceptions. For budget-conscious families, debunking these myths is essential. I’m going to debunk credit card myths in this article. But why listen to me? I am a Chartered Financial Analyst with more than 20 years of experience in Financial Services. I…

9 Mental Shifts for a Successful FIRE Journey (According To Early Retiree)
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9 Mental Shifts for a Successful FIRE Journey (According To Early Retiree)

When I retired at 42 in 2021, I discovered the concept of Financial Independence Retire Early, also known as FIRE. Even though I had already reached financial freedom, understanding the mindset behind FIRE helped me reflect on the steps I took and how others can do the same. The FIRE movement is more than just…

The Hidden Upside of Inflation: How to Make It Work for You 

The Hidden Upside of Inflation: How to Make It Work for You 

When you hear about inflation, your first thought probably isn’t, “Oh great, how can this work to my advantage?” After all, inflation has a reputation for eroding purchasing power and making life more expensive.  But hidden within this economic curveball are surprising opportunities that can actually boost your financial game. With a little shift in…

13 Pieces of Bad Financial Advice That People Still Believe

13 Pieces of Bad Financial Advice That People Still Believe

In the digital age, where advice is as plentiful as it is varied, discerning the worthwhile from the worthless is crucial, particularly concerning your finances. I am a Chartered Financial Analyst with more than 20 years of experience in Financial Services. I actually retired young, so I decided it’s time to dispel 13 common financial…

Think Outside the Agent: Clever Things To Ask For When Buying a House
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Think Outside the Agent: Clever Things To Ask For When Buying a House

When buying a house, many people are aware that they can negotiate the price. Some might even consider asking for a home warranty to be included in the deal. Home warranties are a common negotiation point because agents often receive commissions for selling them. But here’s the thing: you can negotiate much more than just…

13 Common Habits of Millionaires: How Many Are You Doing?
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13 Common Habits of Millionaires: How Many Are You Doing?

Becoming a millionaire might seem like a distant dream for many, but the truth is, it’s more attainable than you might think. Contrary to popular belief, most millionaires didn’t inherit their wealth, nor did they necessarily attend prestigious universities or possess extraordinary investment skills. Instead, they built their fortunes through smart financial decisions, discipline, and…

Why I Decided to Retire Young and Be an Engaged Dad

Why I Decided to Retire Young and Be an Engaged Dad

When I was a teenager, I made a life-changing decision. I decided I wanted to retire young, not because I dreamed of lounging on beaches or traveling the world, but because I wanted to be an engaged dad. My motivation came from my childhood and the complicated relationship I had with my own father. My…

Light Your FIRE: Financial Independence Retire Early Strategies Explained

Light Your FIRE: Financial Independence Retire Early Strategies Explained

At the ripe age of 42, I left my professional career and stepped into a life of Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE). Interestingly, when I started crafting my own financial independence plan as a teenager in the mid-1990s, the term “FIRE” wasn’t even on the radar. However, the dream of buying one’s way out of…

Unexpected Ways Inflation Impacts Your Life: What You Should Know 

Unexpected Ways Inflation Impacts Your Life: What You Should Know 

Inflation might sound like a dry economic term or a mere financial concept, but it sneaks into our everyday lives in surprising ways. You may think it only affects big-ticket items or the stock market, but the truth is, inflation can change how we shop, save, and even socialize.  It doesn’t announce itself with bold…

A CFA’s Take on Dave Ramsey’s Baby Steps: A Young Retiree’s Comprehensive Analysis

A CFA’s Take on Dave Ramsey’s Baby Steps: A Young Retiree’s Comprehensive Analysis

Dave Ramsey’s Baby Steps have become a widely recognized and followed framework for personal finance in America. They offer a structured, step-by-step guide aimed at helping individuals and families gain control over their finances, get out of debt, and build wealth. In general, I believe the Baby Steps are an excellent foundation for financial education,…

An Early Retiree’s Perspective on Dave Ramsey’s Blueprint To Early Retirement 

An Early Retiree’s Perspective on Dave Ramsey’s Blueprint To Early Retirement 

Retiring early is more than just a dream, it’s a reality that many people can achieve with the right plan. If you’re like me, you’ve thought about leaving the 9-to-5 grind before the traditional retirement age.  I am a Chartered Financial Analyst who retired at 42. I can tell you firsthand that reaching financial independence…

Teaching My 5-Year-Old Twins About Money: Opening Their First Bank Accounts

Teaching My 5-Year-Old Twins About Money: Opening Their First Bank Accounts

Financial literacy is a cornerstone of independence and success. As a father committed to the principles of Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE), I believe it’s never too early to start teaching our kids about money. When my son was just 2 years old, I took him to open his first bank account. It was a…

How Much House Can You Afford?: The McDonald’s Principle

How Much House Can You Afford?: The McDonald’s Principle

It’s hard to know how much house you can afford. Actually it’s easy to know how much house you can afford. It’s hard to know how much house you should afford. The McDonald’s Principle When I bought my first house, I developed The McDonald’s Principle. It was simple, clever, and powerful. It was my way…

How I Teach Kids About Money By Getting Rid Of Their Stuff

How I Teach Kids About Money By Getting Rid Of Their Stuff

As parents, we’ve all encountered the seemingly inexhaustible supply of toys, gadgets, and general kid stuff that seems to multiply in our homes. If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably looked around your house and wondered how you ended up with so much…stuff. But here’s the thing: this clutter, while visually overwhelming, presents an unexpected…

If I Had Listened To “Good Advice,” I Could Not Have Retired At 42.
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If I Had Listened To “Good Advice,” I Could Not Have Retired At 42.

I have heard so much advice over the years that people consider to be “good advice”. But if I had listened to all of this good advice, I would not have been able to retire young. By ignoring good advice, I was able to reach my goals. “You Have Too Much Debt, You Are Going…

My Relationship with Money: The Hoarder Mentality That Led to Early Retirement

My Relationship with Money: The Hoarder Mentality That Led to Early Retirement

Growing up, I developed a relationship with money that some might call obsessive, others might call smart, but I see it as a unique blend of hoarding and emotional struggle. I don’t part with my money easily. In fact, the act of spending—even on things I need—causes me to feel a wave of guilt that’s…