Author: Dad is Fire

Price per use

I am a firm believer in spending the right amount of money. I focus on price per use to determine the right amount of money to spend on something. My style on the journey to Financial Independence Retire Early is not to be frugal or minimalist. Instead my style is to identify what something is…

How to screen tenants

How to screen tenants? This is one of the most frequent things people ask me. Finding a tenant and then screening them scares people. It shouldn’t. I’ll write a post and share my application in the future. For now just know I screen people before meeting with them and walking them through. This gives them…

Be present

I want to be a good dad and I try hard to be one. It’s not easy but I try to be present. I love my kids and my wife very much. Nearly my entire motivation for wanting to retire early is to have time to spend with them, and to just be present. That’s…

What is Satisfice?

Satisfice is such a great word. I had never heard of satisfice until I was studying for the Chartered Financial Analyst (aka CFA). Satisfice is about “good enough” and not needing more. Satisfice is a great word in finance, and even better word for the real life. Are you a maximizer vs satisficer? If you…